About Us
About new eye company
Having invented a new System for Optical RX Safety Glasses, Andy Mehringer founded the New Eye Company (NEC). In July 2010 NEC developed, branded and marketed The IC Safety Eyewear System globally.
New Eye Company is a division of NEC Optics that provides general optical services as well as importing and distributing the IC Safety optical System.
In May 2011, Andy went on to win the ABC Show’s “The New Inventors” award for 2011.
NEC commenced local distribution to corporate clients including Downer EDI Mining, Rio Tinto, QR National and Origin Energy. His other Australian clients include over 450 big nam Australian corporate clients.
In July 2016 Andy appeared on Australia’s Shark Tank. He received offers from 3 out 5 Sharks for the IC Safety System.
The IC Safety Optical System and RX Safety Glasses
Our Optical safety glasses System, typically halves the cost of optical safety goggles when compared to traditional exposed frames options. Optical safety is integral to OHS, and our system makes safety eyewear affordable for everyone.
The major advantage of the system is that the safety frame and/or safety lens is easily replaceable. The prescription RX or foil insert simply fits in behind, and is therefore protected. This represents a huge saving in both time and money for you and your workforce.
In the event of scratched or damaged safety glasses, our system allows your workers to be back on the job in 20 seconds.
IC Safety Eyewear
Organisations typically order boxes of our Safety eyewear and arrange for optical lenses to be made to meet the vision needs of their individual employees.
On receipt of their optical insert, employees choose a lens colour and insert their optical insert in their Safety frame. Should their safety frames or outer lenses become damaged or scratched, they simply remove their optical insert and insert them into a new pair of Safety Frames.